Sunday, May 24, 2009

I wish my last name was Tylenol

Bryan Adams: 0
Hot N Cold: 2
Clarissa Coffee count: 2

5/24 Curse Word of the Day: Poop Sandwich
Pronunciate: p-ooooo-puh ssss-ae-nduh-wet-ch
Definition: (1) poop in between two slices of bread; wheat, white, or whole grain (2) three people squatting and the middle person pooping ["It could happen in some sexual fantasy....what would that porno be called...Diarrhea Daydreams??...or Toilet Fantasy??" ~Clarissa is gross I'm stopping this now because she is talking about Hitler and his sexual life.] (3) Mike the Dumb. Synonym: Shit Taco
Use: What wasn't the use today? We had too much fun with it. Basically everything was a poop sandwich - including but not limited to Stanford women beating Wisconsin, Emily's "turkey" sandwich, MTD's face, and Jess drooling chocolate on the bed [actually looked like poop]

3rd day of nationals: Wisconsin dreads girl still out of control. Asia [Clarissa's twin] on Superfly must be on steroids. Washington had that crazy skunky hair girl that skunked everyone on offense and defense and basically won the game and made a poop sandwich in the middle of the field and ate it. The college all-star team vs Team USA showcase game was a huge poop sandwich. Pretty much....I mean.....if those college alum were any good then they would be on team USA so I don't understand why the organizers thought it would even be close to a good game. Bullshit. Poop. Shit taco. THERE WAS ONLY LIKE ONE HAMMER THROWN. Maybe next year college alum...maybe. Maybe you should go back to college and learn how to play better. Then try out for Team USA so you can be on the winning team.

Tomorrow is finals for nationals where we plan on watching and drooling. Maybe we can get more free stuff! Balls got a fat handler visor today! Clarissa is lookin to get an XL tshirt and Jess really wants a hot dog coupon. [She really likes hot dogs people.] After the games we are driving to Chicago to see one Peggy Newman and Jess' friend Sarah who is too cool to hang out with us. If you want baked goods then too bad we are going to eat all of them as we make them in the Newman's kitchen.

So uh I think I have to turn right,

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