Friday, May 22, 2009

Hot tubs and tighty whiteys DO NOT affect male fertility

Bryan Adams: 2
Hot n Cold: 0
Clarissa Coffee: 3 - 1 meltdown right before cup 3. It's going to be a long summer.

5/22 Creative Curse Word of the Day: Anus Packer
Pronunctitina: ay-nnn-isssss pah-c-rrrrrr
Definition: (1) Waitressbitch at Steak n Shake; (2) Ask Brady Winston aka Beerhands aka Clicky aka Bonobo
Sninonym: Fudge Packer
Use: Really nothing good enough to record. But we did use cunt wrangler a lot and very well.

Nationals day 1. Clarissa napped half the day with Charlay and ran screaming into Gracie's arms. Balls jizzed a lot. Mustache sightings: 3. Jess laughed at Balls and wouldn't stop talking about ho stack. For to learn next year. Matching shorts sightings: 1.

All that happened. Then we got home and heard this.

"MOOOOOOOOOOM. Megan peed and Daddy's yelling at us!!!!!!"
[Enter] Mom busting her ass down the street and around the corner with 3 little girls trailing behind her.

Context: NONE. Suburbia.

peacing out. "does anyone else need to peace out?"

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